For informational
purposes only, here is a translation of the Code
of Ethics of the CICF
Members of the Chamber of
Engineering and Consultancy of France (CICF), in
the exercise of their profession the moral obligations,
are committed to
respecting the code of ethics of the International Federation of
Engineers (FIDIC):
To be completely
efficient, the
Consulting Engineer must receive a fair fee and:
- Accept responsibility for the profession with respect
to Society.
- Research solutions which are in accordance with the
principles of sustainable development.
- Always preserve the dignity, honorability and reputation of the
- Maintain their knowledge and skills at a level on a par with
developments in technology, the law and business conduct, applying the
skill, attention and diligence required in the services rendered to the
- Refrain from providing services for which they do not have the
required skills.
- In all circumstances, act in the legitimate interests of the
client, providing and accomplishing professional missions with dignity
and loyalty.
- When providing a professional opinion of a judgement or a
decision, to do so with impartiality.
- Inform the client of any conflict of interests which could occur
in the execution of a task.
- Accept no payment which could influence the independence of
advice given.
- Promote the concept of selection by ability.
- Never damage the reputation or the work of others by intention or
through negligence.
- Compete with colleagues only in a loyal manner.
- Take up the work of a colleague only upon the explicit request of
the client.
- When faced with a request to revise the work of a colleague, to
behave with a proper and seemly professional conduct.